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Text File | 2000-11-05 | 33.8 KB | 1,236 lines |
- @2
- R E D T R E K
- @3
- S T A R T R E K T H E N E X T G E N E R A T I O N
- @2
- M E E T S R E D D W A R F
- @7
- -=Conclusion=-
- @7
- [Fade to black .....Time for some adverts again]
- @3
- The Weetabix ad' again.
- The awful Capri Sun advert where the boy sticks the drinks up his sleeves.
- Radion Automatic Gets your blues whiter than white, & your pinks & reds &...
- An advert for the next program
- @7
- Fade back to picture of Enterprise and Red Dwarf
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Third technicians log. Well why not, everyone else seems to do one of
- these so why not me ? The Bald Eagle himself has zapped us all back to
- the Science Lab on the Red Dwarf. Now Data the android is attempting
- to fix Holly. Kryters, Cat and me , and the 1st officer old smirk-a-
- lot himself are just standing watching as the NDD as it calls itself
- does it's work.
- @7
- [Cut to science room]
- @1
- DATA: @5 How are you doing?
- @1
- NDD: @5 About half way there now?
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 You mean after all of those adverts and Master Davids attempt at a
- Log entry you are only half way through?
- @1
- NDD: @5 Well I'd be a lot faster if you lot would shut up and leave me alone!
- @1
- PICARD`S BADGE:@5 Bllep Bllep@1 [Picard presses the badge]
- PICARD: @5 Yes what is it?
- @1
- GEORDI`S VOICE:@5 Sir, we've got an emergency situation over here
- @1
- PICARD:@5 What is it?
- @1
- GEORDI`S VOICE:@5 Well sir, First Frank Bruno burst into someone' s quarters on
- the family decks and we have a number of people saying that it turned
- into a 12 foot tall monster, not unlike those from ALIENS and stuck
- this long rubbery sucker thing to someone's head. That person is now
- running around saying that he wants to talk and set up poster
- campaigns to get rid of the monster.
- @7
- [Lister looks at Cat. Cat looks at Kryten and then at Lister]
- @1
- LISTER: @5 Oh smeg, not another one
- @1
- PICARD:@5 What do you know about this?
- @1
- LISTER: @5 It's a genetically engineered lifeform that went slightly wrong, It's
- mad and feeds on emotions. It can look like anything and changes it's
- shape to induce the strongest emotions in its prey.
- @1
- DATA: @5 That must be the genetic mutant that we detected on our preliminary
- scan of this ship.
- @1
- GEORDI`S VOICE:@5 Well what ever it is I think we need to get it soon before it
- zaps anyone else.
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Understood. Picard out.
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Listen, no offence but you are gonna need more than a couple of
- dustbusters and a few matchbox phasers to beat this genetic mutant.
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Ok what do you suggest?
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Follow me!
- @1
- DATA: @5 Sir, I will stay here and mind the NDD
- @1
- NDD: @5 Oh I can't manage by myself eh?
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Ok so be it.
- @7
- [Lister followed by Cat, Kryten Picard and Riker all leave the room and head
- off down the corridor]
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 Excuse me sir, but where are we going?
- @1
- LISTER:@5 To the armory to get bazookoids, where else?
- @1
- CAT: @5 Yeah, No genetic mutant is gonna get the best of the Red Dwarf Possie!
- @1
- PICARD: [To Riker]@5 I think I'm going to regret this.
- @1
- RIKER: @5 Nonsense sir, I think it will be quite fun!
- @1
- PICARD:@5 You've been hanging around too many Klingons number 1
- @7
- [They reach a door marked Armory]
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Open code 13223265qqxb7
- @7
- [The door swings open]
- @1
- PICARD:@5 How do you know that code, only the captain should know that!
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Ah well, Holly told me because she thought she might forget it
- @1
- RIKER: @5 Ask a silly question!
- @1
- CAT: @5 Right, grab your weapon.@1 [he takes a bazookoid and chucks it to Picard
- who gingerly catches it]
- PICARD:@5 How do you use these?
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 Oh it's quite simple sir, just untag the binary lock, adjust the
- thermoselector, flip the visipad and press the finger sensi-touch
- switch, Ha so simple a baby could use it.
- @1
- CAT: @5 He means switch of the safety bit. twiddle this bit, look through the
- target and pull the trigger when the bad dude is in sights.
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Ah thank you! Number 1@1 [He passes Riker a Bazookoid]
- @7
- [They all have bazookoids now and Picard presses his badge]
- @1
- BADGE: @5 Blip bleoooop
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Damn the batteries are flat.
- @1
- RIKER: @5 Don't worry sir, I'll do it@1 [He presses his badge]
- BADGE:@5 Bllep Bllep
- @1
- RIKER:@5 Riker to O'Brian, Beam us over.
- @1
- O`BRIANS VOICE:@5 Yes Sir.
- @1
- @7
- [They all disappear. Cut to transporter room on the Enterprise]
- @1
- @7
- [They all re-appear]
- @1
- PICARD:@5 How do we know what were up against?
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 I have configured this Bazookoid so I have to act as a tracking
- device to track the shape changer. It'll sound a beep when were near.
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Great, Lets go and get it.
- @1
- RIKER: @5 Well it would help if we knew where to start
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Computer
- @1
- COMPUTER:@5 Yes Captain
- @1
- PICARD:@5 What is the location of the shape changer?
- @1
- COMPUTER:@5 It is currently on deck 4 corridor 2, heading towards the storage
- deck.
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Thank you.
- @1
- O`BRIAN:@5 I could beam you straight there if you want
- @1
- RIKER: @5 May I suggest sir, that we power up our bazookoids before we go?
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Make it so
- @7
- [Everyone switches the big red "ON" switches]
- @1
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Energise
- @7
- [O'Brian does his stuff]
- @1
- @7
- [They disappear, Cut to storage deck]
- @1
- @7
- [They all re-appear and wave their bazookoids around gingerly]
- @1
- CAT: @5 Hey, looks like we beat him here
- @1
- LISTER:@5 How do we know that it isn't one of these boxes?
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 My bleeper hasn't gone off yet, so we appear to be relatively safe.
- @1
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 Whoops, looks like I spoke too soon!
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Lets just be careful ok
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Agreed.
- @1
- CAT: @5 What was that movement over there?
- @1
- RIKER: @5 It could be the alien
- @7
- [They all spin and fire... A large hole appears in the wall and Rimmer
- appears from behind some boxes]
- @1
- RIMMER:@5 What the smeg are you trying to do. Wipe out your own ship?
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Yo, Rimmer, what are you doing down here?
- @1
- RIMMER:@5 Well things started to get a little hairy in engineering so I came
- down here to umm...
- @1
- CAT: @5 Hide?
- @1
- RIMMER:@5 Yes That's it!
- @1
- PICARD:@5 WAIT!... How do we know that he is the real Capt... I mean
- Technician Rimmer ?
- @1
- RIKER:@5 We don't
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Smeg
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 Might I suggest asking your computer for help?
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Good idea, Computer, what is the position of Cap... I mean Techn.. Oh
- Hell... Where is Rimmer?
- @1
- COMPUTER:@5 Mister Rimmer is current located on deck 7 with Leutenant O'Blighty
- @1
- CAT: @5 Lets nuke it!
- @7
- [Before any of them can fire, Rimmer/the alien turns into it's real self and
- sticks a tube on Riker's head]
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 Oh my...
- @7
- [Riker falls to the ground, the alien turns into a rabbit, then the Road
- Runner]
- @1
- @7
- [It sticks out it's tongue and takes off around the corner]
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Eat this you alien scuzbucket@1 [He fires, but the alien out runs the
- shot and disappears through a door, which promptly gets blown away by
- the missile.]
- RIKER:@5 What the hell hit me.
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Are you OK?
- @1
- RIKER: @5 Screw you, It's none of your business!
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 Oh dear, It appears that the alien has stolen Mister Riker's sense of
- politeness
- @1
- PICARD: [presses his badge]@5 Doctor Polaski, could you report to the cargo
- deck immediately
- @1
- POLASKI`S VOICE:@5 Yes sir... Captain, how come I have not been in this
- episode so far?
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Because you annoy me, now get down here! Picard out.
- @7
- [Cut to Data in the science room of The Red Dwarf]
- @1
- DATA: @5 Have you nearly finished yet?
- @1
- NDD: @5 Yes I am nearly done fixing the F.A.T.s
- @1
- DATA: @5 How long?
- @1
- NDD: @5 About 2.3451 minutes... Approximatly
- @1
- DATA: @5 Ah, Thank you
- @7
- [Holly appears on the screen]
- @1
- HOLLY:@5 'Ere what's goin' on, I feel all wibbily
- @1
- DATA: @5 Try to ignore it, your IQ will soon be restored to 6000
- @7
- [Switch back to Picard and the others, Polaski enters]
- @1
- POLASKI:@5 What happened?
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 The genetic mutant sucked the ability of being polite out of mister
- Riker
- @1
- POLASKI:@5 How is that possible?
- @1
- RIKER: @5 Who cares you stupid old biddy.
- @1
- POLASKI:@5 I'll have you know I am the same age as the captain.
- @1
- RIKER: @5 Exactly!
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Right, that does it. Give him a heavy sedative and take him to sick-
- bay. Kryten, is there any way to reverse the process?
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 Well, the only way that I know of is to destroy the alien
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Yeah, It worked before
- @1
- CAT: @5 So what are we waiting for? Christmas?
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Lets go. Doctor, I'll see you later
- @1
- @7
- [Polaski guides Riker out through the remains of the door. Picard, Cat,
- Lister and Kryten all walk towards the alien's last position]
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Is there any way we can determine exactly where the alien is ?
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Well we could ask your computer
- @1
- PICARD:@5 No, it's too obvious
- @7
- [Suddenly a small black ewok runs past]
- @1
- EWOK: @5 Dangggar ewoks...
- @1
- CAT: @5 Ahh. isn't that cute...
- @7[The ewok turns into the 12 foot tall slobbering alien and zaps Cat]
- @1
- CAT: @5 UUugghhh That's truly disgusting... Why is everything so UGLY?
- @1
- LISTER:@5 This time let's get it
- @7
- [The alien turns into an extremely fast light cycle and burns of down the
- corridor]
- @1PICARD:@5 After it.
- @7
- [They all race off after the alien/light cycle down lots of corridors.
- Finally it turns off in to holodeck 1]
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Now we have it. Computer, set program to alter at our commands
- @1
- COMPUTER:@5 Do you wish mortality override?
- @1
- LISTER:@5 What does that mean? What are you doing?
- @1
- PICARD:@5 It means can anything get killed in there... Yes we do computer, we
- want to override the safety mechanism. What I am doing is playing the
- shape changer at it's own game. Anything we want we can have with this
- program. If I said Give me a hyperlight speed potato for example, a
- hyperlight speed potato would appear in my hands.
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Excellent!
- @1
- COMPUTER:@5 Program set.
- @7
- [The doors open and they walk in, Cat is trailing behind. The holodeck is
- still it's empty black with yellow lines]
- @1
- CAT: @5 Yeuch... horrible
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Why does he say everything is so ugly?
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 His ability to like the look of things has been removed
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Where is the creature? I can't see it
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 It is here, perhaps invisible?
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Change background to woodland
- @7
- [The background changes, a yellow and black alien shape appears]
- @1
- CAT: @5 Fire!
- @1KRYTEN:@5 WAIT... Computer, set weapons to do no damage to us or the holodeck,
- just the alien
- @1
- COMPUTER:@5 Weapons set...
- @1
- CAT: @5 Now can I fire?
- @1
- LISTER:@5 It's too late, he's disappeared
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Hang on, there's an extra tree there... Computer, Give me a chainsaw
- @7
- [A chainsaw appears in Picard's hands, replacing his bazookoid. He starts it
- up]
- @1
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Eat this you alien scum
- @7
- [He slices at the tree which screams and turns into a cricket ball. It then
- flys forwards and hits Picard on the nose, knocking him senseless]
- @1
- CAT: @5 Computer... Baseball bat
- @7
- [His bazookoid is replaced by a baseball bat]
- @1
- CAT: @5 Bye bye mister ugly
- @7
- [He smashes the ball with all his strength, it flys into the far wall of the
- "Forest" and the background shimmers. The ball then disappears]
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Smeg, we've lost him again
- @7
- [Picard comes round]
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Did we win yet?
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 Not yet sir.
- @7
- [Suddenly a man appears, he looks strangely familiar]
- @1
- CAT: @5 Who are you?
- @1
- MAN: @5 I am captain James T Kirk of the starship Enterprise
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Computer, Phaser
- @7
- [His chainsaw disappears and turns to phaser mark 3]
- @1
- PICARD:@5 I don't belive you... Fire
- @7
- [They all fire, but Kirk disappears with just a wound to his arm]
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 We have him wounded now, he may not have as much control over the
- shape changing
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Wanna bet
- @7
- [King Kong appears and grabs at Picard, who ducks and is just missed]
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Computer, change background to New York Skyline, and put us all in
- aeroplanes and the alien on top of the empire state building
- @1
- LISTER: @5I like it...
- @7
- [The woodland disappears and is replaced by the New York Skyline and small 1
- man planes appear around Cat, Lister, Kryten and Picard]
- @1
- CAT: @5 But I can't fly. especially not this rustbucket
- @1
- PICARD:@5 It doesn't matter, the computer can!
- @1
- ALIEN: @5 Roar Roar
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Yo computer, give me a bazookoid on the front of this plane
- @7
- [One appears, the alien swings at Kryten's plane, but misses]
- @1
- LISTER: @5Eat hot plasma
- @7
- [He fires about 22 rounds of missiles, each one a direct hit, in what seems
- like a huge explosion of fur, slime and light, they all hit]
- [Finally the light dies down and the smoke clears, they all sat, covered in
- red and green slime on the floor of the empty holodeck, which is just yellow
- and black again]
- @1
- CAT: @5 Did we get it?
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Would somebody punch this guy out?
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 The alien has been eliminated
- @1
- PICARD: @5 Yeuch, this stuff smells. computer, can you clean this stuff up?
- @1
- COMPUTER:@5 Simulation Overload... Re-enter command
- @1
- PICARD: @5 Oh... SMEG... I said Clean
- @1
- @1
- PICARD: @5 This
- @1
- @1
- PICARD: @5 Stuff
- @1
- @1
- @1
- COMPUTER:@5 Program set VVVVVVVVVVSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssshhhhhh
- @7
- [In a mass of light and colour the slime disappears and they are all clean,
- their bazookoids are all lying on the floor]
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Computer... Exit
- @7
- [The doors open and they pick up the bazookoids and walk out. In the
- corridor, Riker, Rimmer and Leutenant O'Blighty are all waiting.]
- @1
- RIKER: @5 Well sir did you get it?
- @7
- [O'Blighty gets board and wanders off]
- @1
- PICARD: @5Oh we got it alright number 1, I don't think he'll be back
- @7
- [A woman walks past]
- @1
- CAT: @5 WWWooooooaaa, I'm off, see you later
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Well he's back to normal... Cat, stay here.
- @1
- RIKER`S BADGE:@5 Bllep Bllep @1[He presses it]
- RIKER:@5 Yes
- @1
- DATA`S VOICE:@5 It's Leutenant commander Data here sir
- @1
- RIKER: @5 Yes Data?
- @1
- DATA`S VOICE:@5 Sir, the NDD has finished, Holly is ready to be re-started
- @1
- RIKER: [to Picard] @5Sir should we beam over?
- @1
- PICARD: @5Absolutely, I wouldn't miss this for the world
- @1
- A WET PILCHARD:@5 blurb lodfos blorud?
- @1
- LISTER: @5What?
- @1
- PILCHARD:@5 Oh nothing I'm just in the wrong story
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 What was that?
- @1
- RIKER: @5 Oh, just ignore it, it's the writer's younger brother messing with the
- word processor!
- @1
- DATA`S VOICE:@5 Sir, are you coming over?
- @1
- RIKER: @5 Yes Data... O'Brian beam us over
- @1
- O`BRIANS VOICE:@5 Yes sir!
- @1
- RIMMER:@5 Wait, it won't wor...
- @1
- @7
- [They all disappear, cut to science room, Red Dwarf]
- @1
- @7
- [They all re-appear, except Rimmer]
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Where's Rimmer ?
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 Well, I can only assume that the transporter de-activated his light
- bee and he is lying on the floor somewhere
- @1
- PICARD:@5 There is that him over there?
- @1
- CAT: @5 Yep@1 [He picks up the small pill shaped machine]
- RIMMER`S TINY VOICE:@5 I suppose you think this is funny? Get me back now!
- @1
- DATA:@5 I'm sorry but we cannot, at least until Holly is re-activated
- @1
- RIMMER'S TINY VOICE:@5 What, why is she off line, have I missed something
- @1
- LISTER:@5 No man, you've missed everything, we even saw Magruder!
- @1
- RIMMER:@5 Where?
- @1
- LISTER:@5 In the Holodeck, along with Kachanski and this other girl called
- Yar... or something.
- @1
- DATA: @5 Really, Leutenant Yar is in our holodeck?
- @1
- PICARD:@5 We'll sort it out later Data, now get Holly on line.
- @1
- DATA: @5 But... Oh okay sir... Red Dwarf Computer Access Code 12D53Q6.3.
- engage re-initialisation sequence 323QA
- @7
- [Lots of lights flash, screens go blank and finally...]
- @1
- HOLLY`S VOICE:@5 Sequence engaged...@1 [Her face appears on the screen, except
- the dozy look has gone]...@5 Blimy I'm intelligent, I Know everything
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 Okay then, why does bread always land butter side down?
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Good one man!
- @1
- DATA: @5 I know this one!
- @1
- PICARD:@5 SSSssshhh Data, we want to see if Holly knows
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 The bread always lands butter side down due to the wind resistance of
- the bread and the increased mass on the one side of bread... Crikey...
- I never knew I knew that!
- @1
- RIMMER`S VOICE: @5Get me back
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 Oh sorry, here we go.
- @7
- [There is a bright flash and Rimmer re-appears]
- @1
- RIMMER: @5Ah, that's better, now lets go back to this holodeck thingie and see
- Magruder.
- @1
- LISTER:@5 And Chrissy!
- @1
- DATA: @5 And Tasha.
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Ah... Data, she will not remember you, the computer simulation is from
- before she joined the Enterprise
- @1
- DATA: @5 Oh.
- @1
- CAT: @5 So, she won't remember you, so what, she's still great to look at!
- @1
- DATA:@5 That's not the same!
- @1
- CAT: @5 It is to me...@1 [Picard presses his badge]
- BADGE: @5 Blooooop squoomm
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Damn, I must get this fixed, Number one, get us back!
- @'
- HOLLY: @5 I'll see you there!
- @1
- RIKER: [Pressing his badge]@5 O'Brian, bring us back to holodeck 3's entrance.
- @1
- O`BRIAN`S VOICE:@5 Yes sir.
- @1
- @7
- [They all disappear, and reappear out side holodeck 3, except Rimmer]
- @1
- RIMMER`S VOICE:@5 I'm getting rather fed up with this!
- @7
- [A hologram of Holly's head appears]
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 Ok Rimmer, you smeg head, If you ask nicely I'll change you back
- @1
- RIMMER:@5 Please will you get me back?
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 Ok...
- @7
- [There is a bright flash and Rimmer re-appears]
- @1
- RIMMER:@5 I hate that !, it's like being sucked up your own nose and them being
- spat out of the end of a machine gun!
- @1
- DATA: @5 Holly, is there any way of updating a holodeck simulation with data
- from a transporter beam file?
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 Yeah, you just cross reference the transporter file output with the
- memory files in the holodeck subset, yeah you could make an exact copy
- of someone, as holodeck matter only though!
- @1
- LISTER:@5 What the smeg... I'm lost.
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Me too.
- @1
- RIKER: @5 Huh?
- @1
- CAT: @5 I don't care...@1 [he looks at his hand]@5 Damn, I've split a nail.
- @1
- DATA: @5 What if you re-directed the output from the holodeck to the main
- transporter beam memory banks?
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 The holodeck image would become real, and if you programmed the nural
- input of the transporter creation with the computer holodeck
- memory...
- @1
- DATA: @5 The person would become real!
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 Yeah that'd work
- @1
- RIMMER:@5 Wait a minute, are you saying that you can create things and give
- them memory from files?
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 That's roughly it sir!
- @1
- RIMMER: @5Files such as hologram files?
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 I s'pose so
- @1
- RIMMER:@5 Then I could become alive again!
- @1
- LISTER:@5 And Chrissy and Magruder and Tasha whatshername, and any one else
- that we have hologram or transporter trace files for!
- @1HOLLY: @5 Exactly, so Rimmer, do you want to try it out?
- @1
- RIMMER:@5 Ok.
- @1
- DATA: @5 I'll inform leutanant O'Brian.
- @7
- [He walks off towards the transporter room]
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 Rimmer, I'll have to de-activate you for a while.
- @1
- PICARD: @5Isn't there a risk involved?
- @1
- RIMMER: @5Wai....
- @7
- [In a flash Rimmer disappears]
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 Oh yes, he could be permanently wiped from existence
- @1
- RIKER: @5 Do you think we should have told him?
- @1
- CAT: @5 Are you kidding?
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Yeah, I mean we want to see if it works, not wait around a few
- million years to wait for him to make up his mind!
- @1
- PICARD:@5 You're right, I will file in my report that he agreed whole eartedly,
- despite the risks
- @1
- RIKER: @5 But sir, that's lying!
- @1
- PICARD:@5 So, sue me!
- @1
- RIKER`S BADGE:@5 Bllep Bllep
- @7
- [He presses it]
- @1
- DATA`S VOICE:@5 Sir, we are ready for the transfer
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 Ok, Interfacing with Enterprise computer now.
- @7
- [A noise like a ZX Spectrum loading is heard]
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 'Ere, your computer says how come I have got a face and she hasn't?
- @1
- PICARD:@5 I don't know.
- @1
- RIKER: @5 Duh!
- @1
- DATA`S VOICE:@5 Sir, I belive I can answer that.
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Go on then.
- @1
- DATA`S VOICE:@5 The writers did not think of it.
- @1
- CAT: @5 It figures.
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Can we get on with this please ?
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Yes, Holly commence transfer of mister Rimmer into holodeck matter
- and then true matter
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 Ok, hold on this might have a few weird side affects.
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Why?
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 Well we are fiddling with reality and well, frankly, it's a bit dodgy!
- @1
- RIKER: @5 How weird can it get?
- @1
- HOLLY: @5I dunno, lets find out.
- @7
- [The lights dim and Rimmer's light bee disappears. A dog appears on the
- ceiling and begins barking "I Should Be So Lucky". Then the dog disappears
- and four middle aged men dressed in overcoats with large backpacks turn the
- corner, chasing a large red blob]
- @1
- PICARD: @5Who are they?
- @1
- PETER VENKMAN:@5 Hey, are you kidding, Were the GHOSTBUSTERS !
- @1
- EGON SPENGLER:@5 Nice ship you have here !
- @1
- PICARD: [stunned]@5 Thank you
- @1
- WINSTON ZEDAMORE:@5 Throw the trap Ray !
- @1
- RAY STANTZ: @5Ok Winston.
- @7
- [He grabs a large black and yellow striped box from his backpack, throws it
- down under the red blob and stamps on the control pad, The box opens and a
- light beam sprays out]
- @1
- @1
- GHOST: @5AAAAAaaaaaaaggggggghhhhhhh...........
- @1
- @7
- [The box closes and the blob is gone]
- @1
- EGON: @5 That was a mean one
- @1
- PETER: @5 It's miller time !
- @7
- [The ghostbusters perform a "high 5" and disappear]
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Well I'd call that pretty weird ! Are you done yet Holly?
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 Nearly...
- @7
- [Wesley enters from a turbo lift, a large vat of custard appears over his
- head]
- @1
- WESLEY:@5 Sir, what is going on?
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Kryten, you explain.
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 Well master Crusher, we are attempting to create matter with holodeck
- matter and insert into it mister Rimmer's personality and memory .
- @1
- WESLEY:@5 Oh is that all.
- @7
- [The custard tips out all over him]
- @1
- WESLEY:@5 MMMmmmmmffffff
- @1
- CAT: @5 I think that means "I can't speak when I'm covered with two tonnes of
- custard"
- @1
- LISTER: @5Brutal
- @1
- RIKER: @5 I have wanted to do that for months.
- @1
- PICARD:@5 I've wanted to for YEARS number one!
- @7
- [The vat and custard disappear, leaving Wesley clean]
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Damn.
- @1
- HOLLY:@5 Right I've done it, he should be beaming in now
- @7
- [Fade to black and adverts]
- @3
- 'Ere they've 'Ad their Weetabix (AGAIN)
- M&Ms Advert with lots of American kids and 50's cars
- Coka cola with lots of American kids and 50's cars
- Mars advert with lots of American kids and 50's cars
- Tango advert with lots of American kids and 50's cars
- @7
- [Fade back to transporter room]
- @1
- CAT`S LOG:@5 Goalpost head is beaming in, and I want some food!
- @1
- LISTER:@5 That's it?
- @1
- CAT:@5 Well, it was better than yours!
- @1
- LISTER:@5 It was not.
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 Sirs, please stop this petty bickering.
- @1
- DATA`S VOICE:@5 Why do I always miss it?
- @7
- [Picard, Riker, Kryten, Lister and Cat all step into the turbo lift, Holly
- disappears]
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Transporter Room
- @1
- LIFT: @5 Yes Sir
- @7
- [Cut to transporter room, Holly's head has appeared above O'Brian and O'Brian
- is stood watching as the controls activate themselves. Data is stood watching
- the transporter. The others enter]
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Data, how's it going?
- @1
- DATA: @5 The procedure appears to be going to plan sir, although if there were
- a problem, we would not know yet!
- @1
- LISTER:@5 That's reassuring.
- @7
- [The transporter beam hums into action]
- @1
- TRANSPORTER BEAM:@5 vvvvssssssssshhhhHHHhhHHHhhhhhhhHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
- @7
- [Rimmer appears]
- @1
- RIMMER: @5 Did it work?
- @1
- DATA: [Scanning with a tricorder]@5 It would appear so.
- @1
- LISTER: @5Are you really there man?
- @1
- RIMMER:@5 I think so, quick @1[stepping off transporter]@5 give me something to
- hold.
- @7
- [Riker gives Rimmer his phaser]
- @1
- RIMMER: [Looking stunned]@5 I'm alive, I can touch, I can eat, I can smell, I'M
- @1
- CAT: @5 No kidding, but I prefered you when you were dead!
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Holly, can we do this with the others now?
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 Ok, just tell me who, and I'll zap 'em back to life.
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Well, Chrissy and Magruder for a start.
- @1
- DATA: @5 And don't forget Tasha!
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 Ok but things might be a little weirder than last time if I do all
- three at once
- @1
- LISTER:@5 It's alright, I'm kind'a getting used to it.
- @1
- PICARD: @5I agree, we may as well get it over with, but first let me inform the
- crew
- @1
- RIKER: @5 Good idea, we don't want anyone to think that they are crazy
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Computer, give me the P.A.
- @1
- COMPUTER:@5 OK, but only if I can have a face.
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Agreed, you can have a face, just like Holly's if you like.
- @1
- COMPUTER:@5 Oh no, I want to be attractive. P.A. Is on!
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 Cheek.
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Crew, this is your captain speaking, things are going to get a bit
- strange, infact down right weird for the next few minutes, so don't be
- afraid, and above all DON'T PANIC.@1 [He pauses]@5 P.A. Off.
- @1
- DATA: @5 That reminds me of a famous 20th century piece of literature that I
- once read.
- @1
- RIKER: @5 Haven't you read nearly all 20th century literature Data?
- @1
- DATA: @5 True, But this one was strangely different, it described the people of
- the Betelguese system most accurately, even down to the colour of
- their space craft, it was suggested that the author himself was
- perhaps an alien.
- @1
- LISTER: @5So.
- @1
- CAT: @5 Yeah, what has that got to do with anything?
- @1
- DATA: @5 I'm not sure, I was just babbling as usual.
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 Can I do it yet?
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Yes, please go ahead.
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 Get ready, here it comes.
- @7
- [The lights dim once more and a large white 50's style fridge appears beside
- O'Neil and starts singing about gold.]
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Freaky
- @1
- CAT: @5 Yeah, I agree, who would buy such an ugly refridgerator, it looks like
- a white coffin.
- @7
- [The fridge disappears and is replaced by a squareish robot]
- @1
- ROBOT: @5 Oh great, just when you think life can get no worse, ping here you are
- on the transporter room of the starship Enterprise.
- @1
- PICARD:@5 How did you know that?
- @1
- ROBOT: @5 I've got a brain the size of a planet, and he asks me how I know that?
- Typical humans, think they know everything and ask you how you knew
- that!
- @1
- LISTER: @5Shut up, you're worse than Rimmer
- @1
- ROBOT: @5 Well at least I have a sense of humour!
- @1
- CAT: @5 He does have a point.
- @7
- [The robot disappears and a cartoon style italian looking person appears]
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 Ah, I know this one, you are Mario aren't you?
- @1
- MARIO: @5 Yes, what am I doing here, where is my house?
- @1
- LISTER:@5 You tell me, where DO you come from?
- @1
- MARIO: @5 Why Super Mario Land of course.
- @1
- RIMMER:@5 Ask a stupid question.
- @1
- MARIO: @5 Must go now, bye bye.
- @7
- [He disappears and all appears to return to normal]
- @1
- O`BRIAN: Is that it?
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 No, almost done though.
- @7
- [Suddenly the transporter room background disappears and is replaced by a
- seedy looking hotel lobby, there is a tall balding man at the desk]
- @1
- MAN: @5 Right, how can I help you?
- @1
- DATA: @5 Well, we don't need your assistance right now, we are doing fine thank
- you
- @1
- MAN: @5 OH well that's OK THEN, zapping into my hotel and saying that you are
- FINE. [He starts to shout and go red in the face] Fine FINE, How can
- you be fine, you just appeared from nowhere and you are FINE?
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Where are we anyhow?
- @1
- MAN: @5 Torquay of course, where do you think you are, the starship Enterprise?
- @7
- [another man enters, except he is short and spannish looking]
- @1
- 1ST MAN:@5 Ah Manwell, do these people look fine to you dressed in their silly
- futuristic clothes?
- @1
- 2ND MAN: @5Si, they are-a looking fine-a to me
- @1
- 1ST MAN:@5 Look you Idiot, one has got a square head and another one is yellow
- how can you say they are fine?
- @1
- 2ND MAN:@5 Qua?
- @7
- [A woman enters]
- @1
- WOMAN: @5 Never mind him, he's from Barcelona!
- @1
- RIKER: @5 I can't stand much more of this.
- @1
- PICARD: @5 I agree, Holly how long now?
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 A few more seconds..
- @1
- LISTER: @5 Yo Matey, have you got a brochure?
- @1
- 1ST MAN:@5 Yes, Why?
- @1
- LISTER: @5 So I can stick it down your gob! Now come here...
- @7
- [The hotel disappears and the transporter room reappears, the transporter
- hums into life]
- @1
- TRANSPORTER BEAM:@5 VVVVVVvvvvvvssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHH
- @7
- [Chrissy kachanski, Yvonne Magruder and Tasha Yar appear]
- @1
- CHRISSY:@5 Where am I?
- @1
- LISTER:@5 You are here, with me where you belong!
- @1
- @1
- RIMMER:@5 Magruder...
- @1
- MAGRUDER:@5 Rimmsy
- @1
- PICARD: [Looks at Riker] @5Rimmsy?
- @1
- RIKER:@5 I agree with the Cat
- @1
- TASHA YAR:@5 Data, what am I doing here, we were just beaming down to that
- awful planet with the living sludge or whatever it was so where did
- everyone go, and who are they [looking at Rimmer, Lister, Cat, Kryten,
- Chrissy and Magruder]
- @1
- DATA: @5 It's a long story, one which I will be happy to explain in detail In
- my quarters over dinner.
- @1
- TASHA: @5 Why mister Data, is that a proposition?
- @1
- DATA: @5 That was the intention.
- @1
- PICARD:@5 I prefered the Hotel, even with the grotty staff!
- @1
- RIKER: @5 At least it's all over with now.
- @1
- O`BRIAN: @5Sir, the computer is demanding that you give her a face.
- @1
- PICARD: @5 Holly, help her pick one out.
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 Ok, I love face shopping.
- @1
- RIKER: @5 Let's Eat.
- @1
- RIMMER: @5 Great Idea, mine's a 12 course meal, I haven't eaten in over three
- million years!
- @7
- [They all laugh, except Riker who just smirks. fade to picture of exterior
- of the Enterprise and Red Dwarf]
- @1
- O`BLIGHTYS VOICE: @5And the Klingon said, What Tribble...
- @7
- [Fade to the bar/disco on the Red Dwarf, everyone is there, except Tasha and
- Data (Strangly)]
- @1
- PICARD: @5 O'Blighty..
- @1
- O`BLIGHTY: @5Yes sir
- @1PICARD: @5Remind me to get you a transfer to captain...
- @1
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Let me finish, captain of a class 10 garbage ship, with only 1 crew
- member.
- @1
- LISTER: @5That's more like it, you know, I thought that you guys would be
- really, well really...
- @1
- RIKER: @5 Square?
- @1
- LISTER:@5 Yeah, but really you're not bad at all, a little goodie goodie, but
- not too bad. Which just goes to prove that you should'nt judge a cover
- by it's book
- @1
- KRYTEN: @5Book by it's cover.
- @1
- LISTER: @5What ever.
- @1
- RIMMER: @5That was a public service announcement. Really, you guys are so
- sickly. You're worse than Rainbow Brite riding a My Little Pony whilst
- playing with dollys.
- @1
- CAT: @5 Shut up H Head, or should I say Rimmsy?
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 Yes sir, where is Miss Magruder anyway?
- @1
- GEORDI:@5 From what I've seen of her, so to speak, she's probably practicing
- her boxing with a gorrila.
- @1
- RIMMER:@5 She's not that bad.
- @1
- WORF: @5 Well, I wouldn't go out with her, and I'm used to Klingon women.
- @1
- WESLEY:@5 Well, what I wan't to know is howcome you lot all get girls and all I
- get is a lollypop.
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Because you are only an ensign.
- @1
- WESLEY:@5 Lister's only a technitian, but he got a girl, and a very nice one
- too.
- @1
- CHRISSY:@5 Thank you, sweety@1 [She pats him on the head]
- [Riker smirks. Holly appears]
- HOLLY: @5 Alright, right, your computer has chosen a head, but be warned, it
- might come as a bit of a shock.
- @7
- [The old holly's face appears (you know Norman whatsit)]
- @1
- COMPUTER: @5Alright dudes, what's goin' down in groove town?
- @1
- HOLLY: @5 Sorry, the personality goes with the head.
- @1
- PICARD: @5 But I thought our computer was female?
- @1
- POLASKI: @5It's whatever it want's to be.
- @1
- COMPUTER: @5Ere I wouldn't mind a name either.
- @1
- PICARD: @5 I think Computer will surfice!
- @1
- RIKER: @5 Don't be so boring, how about ARNOLD?
- @1
- COMPUTER:@5 NO, Computer is fine.
- @7
- [Computer disappears, along with Holly]
- @1
- PICARD: [to red dwarf crew]@5 So, what are you going to do now?
- @1
- LISTER: @5Well, weve still got a long way to go to get to earth.
- @1
- KRYTEN: @5Yes, It will take several years to get back at the speed of the Red
- Dwarf.
- @1
- RIMMER: @5Yeah, but now I am alive and we have, shall we say company, It won't
- be so boring.
- @1
- CAT: @5 Speak for yourself, who have I got?
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Ah well, about that, one of our female crew members has requested if
- she can come along with you.
- @1
- KRYTEN: @5Which one?
- @1
- RIKER: @5 Oh, you don't know her, but her name is Leutenant Tsu, she is over
- there bounce... I mean dancing away.
- @7
- [you can almost see Cats eyes pop out on stalks and the famous bugs bunny
- style siren]
- @1
- CAT: @5 Bye Bye.
- @7
- [He quickly moves over to the dance floor]
- @1
- KRYTEN:@5 That just leaves me.
- @1
- PICARD: @5Create yourself a series 2000 female mechanoid in the Holodeck, and
- we will, realityise, if that is the right word, her.
- @1
- KRYTEN: [sort of grinning] @5Beam me up scotty!
- @7
- [He walks off, planning]
- @1
- LISTER: @5Cheers Mateys, It's been a good laugh.
- @1
- CHRISSY: @5Why so final, we will be on route to Earth, why shouldn't the
- Enterprise stop off every now and then and visit?
- @1
- RIMMER: @5 Great, and maybe they can bring a picnic... Yeuck, I think I'm gonna
- be sick!
- @1
- LISTER: @5I've been waiting years to do this.
- @7
- [He smacks Rimmer in the mouth, who promptly collapses on the floor]
- @1
- PICARD:@5 Normally I don't condone violence, but.......
- @7
- [Cut to outside of ships, both heading towards the twin suns of the system, a
- voice says "Who was that masked man" and another says "Why that's Jean Luc
- Picard" and the ships fly off into the sun set]
- #8
- T H E E N D